Dear Editor, A Sunday news story said that anonymous reports claimed that parish priests had “pilloried” TDs from the pulpit and challenged others directly and refused Communion because they voted for the abortion law. Mr M Long, spokesman for the bishops’  conference, said there was no diktat issued. Unfortunate all round. The canon law on…

Catholic Comment launched in time for last year’s International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, with a mission to serve “both the Church and the media”: since then its speakers have taken part in over 90 radio and television interviews including on programmes such as Prime Time, The Frontline, Tonight with Vincent Browne, Ireland AM, Morning Edition,…

He’s the popular saint known to help people find lost items and his miracles have won him affectionate veneration among Christians and non-Christians alike.   This autumn, tens of thousands of St Anthony’s devotees in Ireland and Britain are expected to turn out to welcome his relics as they tour the two countries in October…

Bishops must take a more democratic approach to priestly appointments according to a leading expert who works with priests and religious who feel bullied in the Church.   Spiritan Fr Tony Byrne said that bishops and religious superiors who do not listen to priests’ concerns about appointments store up problems for the future. However, he…

Education is now available at first, second and third levels on the campus of St Michael’s College in Dublin.   Dublin has now joined Rome as only the second European country to host the overseas programme of Duquesne University, the United States only Spiritan university.   With the arrival of 12 students this month, St…

God writes straight with crooked lines. That axiom sounds clever, but is there real truth or depth to it? Can good ever really arise out of evil? Do love, truth, and justice ever work out through hatred, lies, and injustice? Do crooked lines really straighten?The answer to those questions will invariably be negative when we…