Theo McDonald Ireland’s hate speech bill has garnered international attention from critics who argue it will impede on free expression and debate. Home to a multitude of big tech headquarters such as Meta and Twitter or X, Irish domestic legislation will have major international repercussions for public participation on the internet and for society as…
Nursing home does not kid about ‘healing power of animals’
Ava Westendorf and Matt Letourneau Lying right outside of Phoenix Park, Mount Sackville Nursing Home is a peaceful, animal-loving, growing community that recently, through the Congregation of Cluny’s donation, built a €1.3 million euro expansion to build a new wing. When I first walked in to Mount Sackville on the morning of June 14, I…
The resilience of religion
Fr Myron J. Pereira For several decades in the last century, it was taken for granted that secularism was an important component of modernity. This was undoubtedly the inspiration behind the Constituent Assembly declaring in 1950 India a “secular republic” and not a “Hindu rashtra” (nation). How society existed yesterday… Traditionally, most societies have had…
Afraid of Marian apparitions?
May is a chance to celebrate Mary’s many appearances, writes Gretchen Crowe Seven years ago this May, the Church celebrated the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Mary to three shepherd children at Fatima. To commemorate the event, Pope Francis visited Portugal, as did thousands upon thousands of pilgrims. Apparitions It was a time of…
Does the devil exist?
Belief in the devil is persistent in the Bible, writes Fr Fintan Lyons OSB The existence of evil in the world is an inescapable fact. This raises such questions as how its nature may be understood and its origin established. The issue of its nature are discussed in Chapters 1 and 2 of my book…
One mom-theologian’s take on keeping kids Catholic
Charlie Camosy Raising faithful Catholic kids in today’s society is not easy. Holly Taylor Coolman, assistant professor of theology at Providence College and adoptive mother of five, recognises the many challenges and recently spoke with OSV News’ Charlie Camosy about her new book Parenting: the Complex and Beautiful Vocation of Raising Children. Why yet another…
Religious education stuck in a paradigm from the past
Dr Amalee Meehan Religious Education (RE) internationally and in this country, is considered a key expression of Catholic school ethos and identity. In Ireland, as enshrined in the Education Act of 1988, it is the responsibility of the school patron. A new in-depth study uncovers a mixed bag of results about the reality of RE…
Religious Education is more important now than ever
As Ireland becomes increasing multireligious and multicultural, empathy to other faiths especially Islam is of great service to the common good writes Dr Niall Coll, Bishop of Ossory. Let me say how incredibly helpful it is to have such an excellent quantitative and qualitative study of important aspects of the shape of Catholic education in…
Pentecost: Breathe, forgive, renew
We need to let go of negative feelings that come from being offended, writes Mike Nelson What could be more essential to life than breathing – or forgiving? Breathing and forgiving: One follows the other. Forgiveness, as Jesus makes clear throughout his earthly ministry, is part of the deal for all who call themselves his…
Nurturing the pool of people keeping the Catholic ethos alive
To divest or not to divest – we need a detailed examination of how schools can be Catholic in a challenging secular culture writes Dr Brendán Ó Caoimh The GRACE Report presents a profile of the people who lead, manage and teach in Catholic schools, at both primary and secondary level. Therefore, it serves as…