Tug of war between Catholicism and politics

Catholicism and republicanism have long been uncomfortably intertwined, writes Martina Purdy     For the Irish, the great Christian feast of Easter is somehow fused with the great rebellion of 1916. Patrick Pearse, who wrote the Proclamation, placed the Irish Republic under the protection of “the most High God.” How many Irish politicians would use…

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Laity ‘crying out’ for good faith formation

The big philosophical questions about faith can’t be ignored, writes Eoin McCormack   Almost two years on from the local synodal gatherings held in parishes across the country it seems appropriate as we celebrate season of Easter – the fundamental basis for our Christian identity – to assess our efforts in responding to one of…

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Joseph’s perfect wife and her perfect son

Hosffman Ospino   A while ago, writing about St Joseph, I was intent on lifting up his human experience while calling out quick attempts to idealise this important person in Jesus’s life. Joseph was a husband, a father, an immigrant, a worker, a neighbour, a friend, a companion. In response, I received a note from…

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On Ukraine, Pope Francis has a point

Pope’s call for courageous negotiations a red flag to critics, writes Dr Michael Sanfey Remarks by Pope Francis during a recent interview with Swiss TV have sparked outrage. As The Pillar reported, Francis was asked about global conflicts and his hopes for peace. The Pope responded “I believe that the stronger one is the one…

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