Religion in modern Ireland: a patchwork of faiths old and new?

Rev. Robert Marshall The opening paragraph of the editors’ introduction notes that “Ireland’s centuries old reputation as a land of saints and scholars (and sinners) is well established”. They continue that two decades into the 21st Century the island’s association with religious devotion is increasingly considered something of an historic artefact – a kind expression…

Embrace the Eucharistic dynamic: change the world

David Spesia Jesus’ entire existence was Eucharistic. If you and I are going to live as his disciples and respond wholeheartedly to the gift of his grace, our lives need to be marked by a Eucharistic dynamic. Dynamic This Eucharistic dynamic is as simple as it is profound. It emerges most clearly on the night…

Looking for signs and Nineveh

Effie Caldarola   As a small child, I was a bit of a religious nerd. I’m not sure why, but I was the oldest child, the only daughter, and our little Catholic mission parish in farm country was central to our lives. From a young age, faith intrigued me. Case in point: I remember taking…

We need to rediscover the beauty of our Faith

Fr John Harris OP Now that all the partying is over and the ‘Paddy’s’ day celebrations are litter, maybe we as Catholics can look more soberly at our patron saint and see what he has to say to us in our present situation. In this the second decade of the 21st Century of the Christian…

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Hungarian Catholics defend Church record on tackling abuse

Jonathan Luxmoore Prominent Hungarian Catholics have defended their Church’s record on tackling sexual crimes by clergy after a top-level government abuse scandal led to the appointment of a new national president of the country. “This sin exists here, as everywhere in the world — we don’t see any specific pattern which would distinguish Hungary from…

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Argentine President Milei: Abortion is aggravated homicide

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, says abortion “is murder aggravated by the bond” between mother and child and condemned the so-called “voluntary interruption of pregnancy”, a euphemism for killing the child in the womb. The statement was part of a March 6 speech at the beginning of classes at the secondary level at Cardenal…

What is  ‘Catholic Enough’?

  Jesus keeps ‘left’ and ‘right’ in balance, writes Elizabeth Scalia   A discussion among practicing Catholics occurred in a social media group, inevitably landing on current divisions between Catholics – those who would describe themselves as ‘orthodox’ vs the ‘more progressive;’ those who pronounce themselves ‘proudly cafeteria’ versus those who identify as ‘proudly traditionalist’.…

Love makes room

My heart started beating faster and my face flushed when I glanced at the messages popping up in text bubbles on my phone one early morning last March. “Are you at work?” one asked. “Can you let me know when you are there?” another said. “Uh-oh,” I thought. “Someone died.” Stepping away from a conversation…

The difficulties of predicting the next pope

John Allen was in Los Angeles to give a talk to Catholics entitled ‘What’s Next? The Today and the Tomorrow of Francis’s Papacy’.  The Irish Catholic sat down with John and asked him the question that will be on his audience’s lips – who’s the next Pope going to be and what will his style of governance be like? “Well, let me…

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