Politicians keep withholding inconvenient truths about abortion

Eilís Mulroy Earlier this month, former Attorney General, Tánaiste, and Minister for Justice, Senator Michael McDowell revealed that his request to access 64 pages of notes and minutes by the government’s Interdepartmental Group considering the implications of the proposed family and care amendments to the constitution was refused until after the referendum. Senator McDowell dismissed the…

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The ever-changing American Irish

Mark Holan This year’s fraught US presidential campaigns have got many Americans wondering what has become of the once powerful ‘Irish vote’? This problem comes into even sharper focus with this recently published history of the Irish American strain by Prof. Timothy J. Meagher. Meagher was once associate professor of history at Catholic University of…

Letter From Greece

Jonathan Luxmoore Greece’s minority Catholic Church has deplored a parliamentary vote to allow same-sex marriage and child adoption, the first in a predominantly Orthodox country. “Our reaction is clear – the Church doesn’t accept same-sex marriage, and we’re surprised the government pressed ahead so quicky with this measure,” said Archbishop Josif Printezis of Naxos, Andros,…

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Don’t wait too long to baptise your baby

I just celebrated my birthday. Twenty days after I entered the world, I was carried by my godparents to Immaculate Conception Parish in Maplewood, Missouri, to be baptised by the pastor, Fr John Ryan. Mom told me she and dad were nervous because they had waited almost three weeks instead of the expected two, and…

Fasting and abstinence: More than laws of the Church

D.D. Emmons As the penitential season of Lent begins, we Catholics, like Christians everywhere, prepare to commemorate the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Just a few short weeks ago, we celebrated his birth, and now the Church begins our preparation to join him on his journey to Calvary. The Church scene becomes sombre, more…