1500 years from the death of St Brigid, the legacy of her faith in Jesus and beautiful attitude of mercy is being celebrated and remembered in the cathedral that carries her name in Kildare town. Dean Isobel Jackson talks with Ray Hayden about Brigid’s life story and inspiring leadership in founding her monastery in…

Prize-winning missionary never worried about security despite death threats

Kenya-based Kiltegan missionary Fr Gabriel Dolan SPS who has risked his life to support the poor and vulnerable was awarded a 2023 Presidential Distinguished Service Award by President Michael D. Higgins last week. Following the award, Fr Dolan told The Irish Catholic he was “honoured” and that he believes “it’s a recognition that the Church…

Schools shouldn’t welcome wellbeing programmes that deny Catholic beliefs – theologian

There is no place for wellbeing programmes that “deny” the Catholic Church’s unique understanding of humanity in Catholic schools, a major international conference attended by Ireland’s leading educators has heard. Speaking at the Global Researchers Advancing Catholic Education (GRACE) conference at the University of Notre Dame Australia in Perth last week, Irish theologian Prof. Eamonn…