Jason Conroy In 2011, university student Kevin Baker fell two stories and severely fractured his skull. His brain damage was so extensive that the doctors gave him little chance. Even if he survived, he would never be the same again. A few years ago, I saw Kevin give his testimony at the FOCUS student conference…

A view from the Quays

Fr Alan Hilliard   I was speaking to a friend of mine a few weeks ago. She’s been having a difficult time. To put her son through college and to pay off debts she was working two jobs. Eventually she gave up one of the jobs as she had made financial headway. She is a…

Visionary politicians, please!

Fr Chris Hayden   An old preacher’s story tells of a group of people walking by a rapidly flowing river. They notice a man in the torrent, crying for help. One of them jumps in to save him. Moments later another stricken individual appears, and another member of the group jumps in to help. This…

Your redemption is at hand

Fr Joshua J. Whitfield   Jer 33:14-16 Ps 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14 1 Thes 3:12—4:2 Lk 21:25-28, 34-36   Aside from being one of the fathers of monasticism, St Benedict is also one of the more profound spiritual doctors of Advent. At least I have long considered him thus. I think of him every Advent…

A Eucharistic Word: Waiting

Michael R. Heinlein Learning to wait is an important skill to acquire. I am reminded of its importance almost daily as I help my young children come to understand it – and, of course, in that process come to understand it more and more in my own life, too. “Patience is a virtue” I heard…

Men behaving beastly

Greg Erlandson “Why do men become beasts?” The question was asked by South African Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale. He was warning men that they will be held accountable for the treatment of women. “The Son of God will make us pay for all the things we have done, or not done,” the archbishop said. He…

Exploring the nature of our Southern Protestant neighbours

Southern Irish Protestant – Histories, Lives & Literatures, by Ian d’Alton (Eastwood / Wordwell, €25.00 / £22.95)   Robert Marshall   Ian d’Alton was born in Dublin, moving to Cork at the outset of his teenage years.  He graduated from University College Cork. There he read history under Oliver MacDonagh before going up to Peterhouse…