Alexandra Keery gives some tips on getting ready for college life
Stepping up your social media game
It seems as if everyday a new viral video is being made. Whether it's a distraught young man crying behind a sheet to 'leave Britney alone,' or a poptart cat flying through space to obnoxious music, it's probably safe to assume that weíve all seen at least one YouTube smash hit. However, YouTube is a…
Feeding the hungry…nourishing the soul
Alexandra Keery speaks to the founders of a food kitchen service in Co. Carlow
To tweet or not to tweet? That’s the 140 character question
Who would have thought that 140 characters would have become such an important social force? I certainly didn’t back in 2006 when Twitter was introduced to the world. However, Twitter has become one of the most influential platforms in existence. While there are many people who use Twitter purely to update their followers on what…
An alphabetical exploration through history
With just 26 letters, Chester Beatty Library’s latest exhibition has seemingly captured the creative essence of human history. ‘Chester Beatty’s A-Z: from Amulet to Zodiac’ takes visitors on a journey through rare pieces from the library’s collection in Dublin. Each artefact corresponds to a letter in the alphabet and they come from all over the…
Making sense of social media
Advice for those using social media
Making the most of social media
Social media is becoming a key means of communication and connectivity and it's important to know how to properly utilise these sites to your advantage. While it's safe to say everyone knows about Facebook, not everyone uses it. Some people feel intimidated by how big the website is and are afraid it's complicated to use,…
Becoming vegetarian is increasingly popular
In a culture that greatly values the production and consumption of meat, it can be difficult to go against the crowd. However, regardless of this, vegetarianism seems to be everywhere these days. While most everyone knows what vegetarianism is – the abstention from the consumption of meat – there are several other related diets, including…
Creating a healing space for the spirit
Alexandra Keery discovers that a quiet place on a Belfast street is the answer to prayer for people of all faiths
Significant changes to take place in K&L diocese
Number of deaneries reduced and permanent deacons appointed to parishes