Over 1,000 of Ireland’s Syro Malabar community gathered in Knock for their annual pilgrimage. The event, which included a Mass that was presided over by Major Archbishop Raphael Thattil, was a fusion of colour and vibrancy as the largest gathering of the Syro Malabar community in Ireland celebrated their Faith in glorious sunshine. Fr Roy…
Seanad rejects amendment to protect silent prayer outside of abortion clinics
An amendment that sought to protect silent prayer outside abortion clinics, proposed by Senators Sharon Keogan and Rónán Mullen, resulted in multiple senators insisting that “prayer is a personal thing” and that praying outside, even if the nature of the prayer is silent, “can easily be identified as protest”. The proposal was eventually defeated. Outlining…
Islamists burn down homes of Egypt’s long-suffering Christians
Muslim extremists set on fire several homes of Christians in Minya, a province in southern Egypt, in a continuation of anti-Christian violence less than two weeks before Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter. According to The New Arab, when anti-Christian fanatics failed to dispossess Christians of their homes in retribution for attempting to build a church in…
Archbishop Farrell: ‘Endurance and tenacity’ of Stardust families has secured justice
Speaking in the Church of St Joseph the Artisan in Bonnybrook, Dublin on Sunday, Archbishop of Dublin Dr Dermot Farrell commended the families of the deceased victims of the Stardust nightclub tragedy for their “endurance and tenacity” in their unrelenting pursuit of the truth, even though, according to him, they were “systematically and stubbornly denied…
Spate of church robberies continues as cathedral targeted during funeral
The latest in a series of recent church burglaries took place in Donegal on Sunday after a man broke into the sacristy of St Eunan’s Cathedral in Letterkenny and is alleged to have stolen €1,754.55 and £6.13 respectively while a funeral Mass was ongoing. The theft forms part of the recent pattern of attacks on…
Senator: Parents not banging down my doors about removal of religion from schools
On a debate discussing the removal of religion from schools on Monday’s episode of Upfront with Katie Hannon, Fianna Fáil Senator Shane Cassells said that parents have never “banged down his door” voicing their concerns about religious education to him as a longstanding political representative. Mr Cassells, who described himself as a practising “Roman Catholic”,…
New Vatican document hailed for clear approach against assisted suicide
Bishop of Elphin Kevin Doran and theologian Dr John Murray have both praised the Vatican’s document on human dignity published on Monday, Dignitas Infinata, which outlines the Church’s response to some of the societal issues which are calling the concept of human dignity into question – particularly the issue of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Speaking…
Irish dancer Flatley requested to pray Rosary with ex-fiancée in her final hours
Renowned Irish dancer Michael Flatley has revealed how he personally requested to see his ex-fiancée Lisa Murphy in hospital to be able to pray by her side and open up to her in her final hours. Recalling the poignant encounter, he said he that he spent time on his own with Ms Murphy reciting the…
Teachers waking up to dangers of gender ideology being pushed on schools
Speaking on The State of the Nation podcast, primary school teacher and Aontú local election candidate, Aisling Considine, reflected on her experiences at the recent INTO conference and how a minority of left-wing activists are avidly pushing gender ideology in schools across the country. Speaking in relation to her appeal to delegates to disaffiliate with the…
Vatican says ‘no’ to sex changes and gender theory in new document
The Vatican on Monday reaffirmed its opposition to sex changes, gender theory and surrogate parenthood, as well as abortion and euthanasia, four months after supporting blessings for same-sex couples. The Vatican’s doctrinal office (DDF) released the ‘Dignitas infinita’ (Infinite dignity) declaration following fierce conservative pushback, especially in Africa, against its document on LGBT issues. There is no…