A champion of social justice, Fr Shay Casey remains devoted to the Christian message of helping those in need. For over 30 years, priest and chaplain in the Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT), Fr Shay has offered guidance, support and more recently food donations for impoverished students. Born in Killashee, Co. Longford where he was…
Church should support ‘fragile’ families on the margins
The Church must apply ‘mercy’ to families, particularly those that find themselves in difficulty, including second unions, a leading theologian has said. Speaking ahead of a major gathering in Limerick next week that will be attended by the cardinal chosen by Pope Francis to present Amoris Laetitia – the papal letter on the ‘family’ –…
Magic & Mission
Colm Fitzpatrick talks to a Kerry priest who’s a part-time magician Fr Ger Godley, a name most fitting for a priest, has sparked the interest of many because of his bewildering magical talents. All starting with a magic set that he received for Christmas when he was a child, the native-born Kerryman has pursued the…
Reds’ novenas attract thousands online
The Redemptorist Order has revealed that as well as attracting huge numbers to their churches, their annual novenas are now drawing thousands of viewers to watch the services online. Fr Noel Kehoe, rector of Clonard Monastery in Belfast, said that on average 14,000 people had watched this year’s novena on the web – the highest…
Communicants enjoy Corpus Christi celebration
Children from the First Communion class in Ballyhaunis parish, Co. Mayo who took part in the Corpus Christi procession at the weekend, pictured at the open air picnic on the church grounds. Photo: Stephen Farragher
Pallottines welcome new priest
Fr Liam O’Donovan SAC pictured with his family after his ordination by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan in the Church of the Assumption, in Slieverue, Co. Kilkenny on Saturday.
Reds’ novenas attracts thousands online
The Redemptorist Order has revealed that as well as attracting huge numbers to their churches, their annual novenas are now drawing thousands of viewers to watch the services online. Fr Noel Kehoe, rector of Clonard Monastery in Belfast, said that on average 14,000 people had watched this year’s novena on the web – the highest…
Tasting a tipple from one of Ireland’s holy wells
Fr Patrick Mulholland, parish priest of St Patrick's, Portaferry takes a drink at St Cooey's wells, Portaferry with Fr Eddie McGee and Fr John McManus after celebrating Mass for the annual pilgrimage which attracted over 100 pilgrims to mark National Holy Wells day. Photo: Bill Smyth
Europe is becoming ‘spiritually fragmented’
“A society which has lost its religion becomes sooner or later a society which has lost its culture.” This sentiment undergirded the theme of the most recent Ratzinger Symposium held in the Buswells Hotel in Dublin. Entitled ‘The Future of Europe: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives’, the conference pays homage to the theology of Joseph Ratzinger,…
Fr Jack Finucane: Death of a man who brought life
Tributes have poured in for the late Limerick priest, Fr Jack Finucane, who passed away last week at the age of 80. Alongside his elder brother and fellow priest Aengus, Fr Jack was instrumental in humanitarian relief efforts such as providing thousands of tons of food during the Nigerian famine in Biafra during the 1960s.…