An enormous event took place in London last month that was fronted by the Canadian psychologist and academic, Dr Jordan Peterson, who has made a huge name for himself since he first emerged on to the world stage in 2016 for criticising a pro-trans ideology law in his home country. The three-day event, held under…
Irish foreign and defence policy at a crucial crossroads
The war in Ukraine has now been raging for three years with hundreds of thousands dead and injured on both sides. A few weeks after the invasion began, I wrote a piece for this newspaper that I think has aged very well. I said: “Here is one very plausible scenario if peace is not arrived…
How the social media giants engaged in censorship
There is a fellow by the name of Marc Andreessen you have almost certainly never heard of. I hadn’t until recently. He is one of those tech wizards who are present basically at the founding of the internet when he was only in his twenties. He helped to set up one of the first big…
Needed: an immigration policy that serves the common good
A major row has broken out between the Trump administration and the Catholic hierarchy in America over the issue of refugees and economic migrants. It is a row that promises to rumble on in the years to come and equally so in Europe, where immigration and asylum-seeking have become possibly the most controversial issue in…
Why the faithful might eventually inherit Ireland again
At some point in the next 20 or so years, there will be more deaths than births in Ireland, and from there, things are only going to get much worse. There is one big reason for this; we are no longer having enough babies. We have transformed in very little time from a country famous…
Questions to consider before supporting DEI policies
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ (DEI) is one of the great catch-cries of our time, and President Donald Trump now has it firmly in his cross-hairs. DEI policies have become extremely widespread and are to be found in businesses, the public sector, universities, and even the military. To some extent, ‘DEI’ has a Christian impulse behind…
Lack of Church/State dialogue needs to be addressed by the new Government
We have a new Government, but will a new leaf be turned in Church/State relations? That is to say, will relations between Church and State begin to thaw, and will there be any kind of formal, structured dialogue between Government representatives and Church leaders, not just Catholic ones? The question is very relevant, because no…
How the American Church should adjust to President Trump
The inauguration of Donald Trump for a second time as US president takes place on Monday. Polling shows that a big majority of Irish people are opposed to him, which is probably a product of a number of factors, one being that, for historical reasons, we lean heavily towards the Democratic party, and the second…
Is the State turning a blind eye to an immense new child abuse scandal?
It has not been receiving much coverage here, but over in Britain a major row has been taking place over the refusal by the British Government to order a national inquiry into the rape of thousands of underage girls in towns across Britain by men of mostly Pakistani background. Typing the last few words of…
Why a growing number of intellectuals are embracing Christianity
Christianity is suddenly becoming a respectable intellectual choice again. It will take some time for this news to reach Ireland, maybe even another couple of decades, but next door in England, and in the US and Canada, we are seeing some movement by some leading intellectuals, and other people of influence towards Christianity. Some have…