Parenting Matters Even psychologists have referral patterns. January and February are the months when I get more behaviour-related questions for children than any other time. Winter must be the explanation. Most of us find it hard going and we are not quite in sight of spring but the distraction of Christmas is well behind us.…
Getting the balance right
As you look forward to the year ahead, I am sure that like many others you have made resolutions and hope to keep to at least some of them. Parents have a the most responsible job in the world because your every action, gesture and word impacts on your children. When you stop to think…
The blessings of books
If you can, stop for a moment and think about the Christmas presents you have bought for your children and those which have been asked of Santa. Ask yourself what these presents are going to do. Of course, they come with love and that is message enough in one way because we all want our…
Children learn by how parents handle mistakes
Parenting Matters
Start preparing children now for new school
Parenting Matters
Parents must prepare children to deal with stress
Parenting Matters
Teens need to switch off screens in bed
Psychologists are trained from the earliest days of their studies to respect and love statistics. We are trained to keep an eye on trends and patterns. One way of doing this is through research. It informs our thinking and practice about what works for whom. Psychologists in clinical practice tend to note the frequency of…
Babies need a rich environment to thrive
Parenting Matters It almost seems unnecessary to say that a good start in life sets a child up for the journey that follows. We are only beginning to make sense of what mothers and grandmothers instinctively knew but may not have described. I worked at Crumlin Hospital in the 1990’s when there was one psychologist…
Parents should trust their instincts
Readers of this column will be familiar with a perspective that encourages strong self-awareness to promote positive parenting and good problem solving skill development in children. It is hard work being a parent and no parent I know gets it right all the time. The acid test of an excellent parent is getting it right…
Children need to face and overcome fears
Human beings are incredibly resilient in the most extraordinary of circumstances January is a dark month. When the Christmas decorations are put away we are once again obliged to deal with short hours of daylight. Many children are afraid of the dark and I know quite a few adults who cannot settle in bed unless…