Deer in the dusky evening

On a dusky fall evening, I take a walk down a familiar neighbourhood street. Ahead of me, a small deer looks my way at the same moment I spot him. Freezing, I realise he’s being followed by seven companions. They dash across the street and disappear into a backyard. I gaze into the yard, where…

What a lucky kid I am

My 3-year-old granddaughter was on a beach weekend. When the ice cream wagon made its trek across the sand, her parents allowed her a treat. Later in the day, the family shared dinner with friends and the other mom brought – yep, more ice cream treats. When Alice saw the box being offered, she couldn’t…

Sidewalk chalk and civility

Sidewalk chalk, that staple of summer, is easy to spot on an early morning walk. You may be tempted to start skipping over the loosely drawn squares of some little person’s hopscotch course. Or, since this chalk often comes in pastel hues, it’s hard to create a convincing Elmo, but an artist has given it…