St Patrick and the Irish in Savannah, Georgia

Letter from America On the last Sunday in February, I attended Mass at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Savannah, Georgia. I was visiting that city to attend the 2025 national meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies. The cathedral is sumptuously decorated, and inevitably that distracted me from my prayers. Among…

How the Irish fared in early cartoons

Caricature and the Irish: Satirical prints from the Library of Trinity College Dublin, c.1780 –1830, by  Nicholas  K. Robinson (Four Courts Press, €40.00 / £35.00) Felix M. Larkin   E.B. White, the noted children’s author, for decades a literary stalwart of  the New Yorker, that great home for cartoonists of all kinds over the last…

Democracy in today’s world: can it survive?

Democracy in today’s world: can it survive? Adventures in Democracy: The Turbulent World of People Power by Erica Benner (Allan Lane, £25.00 / €29.50) This short book by political philosopher Erica Benner is a timely meditation on the nature of democracy, both ancient and modern. It is timely because democratic values are under threat everywhere today,…