Notebook He knelt, having just received his First Holy Communion. For how long did he kneel? I am not sure, but I imagine the teacher told the boys and girls that they should kneel when they returned to their seats, having said “Amen” to the Body of Christ. When he felt an appropriate length of…
What the pandemic denies us, technology makes up
Notebook During the week we re-scheduled a date for First Holy Communion. It is another re-scheduled date in a year of cancellations, postponements, and disappointments. The hope is that the new date will go ahead and that the day the children have waited for will come, be lived, enjoyed and forever remembered. That, of course,…
Following a dream isn’t always blowing in the wind
Notebook There was a funny song a while back about a man going into Lidl or Aldi to buy a few loaves and rashers and leaving with a chainsaw, a wetsuit and a portable generator. I have been that man… well apart from the wetsuit and maybe the generator and the chainsaw! I mean, I…
Together and with God’s help we will get through this
Notebook In recent days I have found myself awake quite a bit when ordinarily sleep would have overtaken me. Thanks be to God; I sleep easily and well as a rule. You might or might not wonder or care why my sleep has been broken but I need to fill this page, so I am…
One small step for SpaceX, one giant mention for God
Notebook I once heard the comedian Ardal O’Hanlon say that he would love to have his own chat show and invite famous people to be his guests. The twist was that he would not talk to them about what they expected. He gave an example: “I’d love to have Neil Armstrong on and talk…
Hard times…last day of April, 2020
Notebook We buried him today in Culmore 10, 15 people there, no more; for we are told that is the way to keep the deadly virus at bay. But it’s sad for sure and lonely too far removed from what we do, when parish stops to bow its head and mourn a neighbour who…
We all need to revisit the tomb and find it empty
Notebook Have we ever washed our hands so often? Someone sent me a WhatsApp message recently and it had a picture of a man who said he had washed his hands so frequently that the notes he wrote on them for his Leaving Cert exam 30 years ago had re-appeared! Nearly every TV or…
Lent is such a precious time to heal and find peace
Notebook We are still in the early days of Lent so maybe there’s space here for a thought or two around the journey to and through repentance. There is a call to repentance that is central to the Lenten season. I recall sitting in the church one morning, a while before Mass. This is something…
Opting for the good in a world full of lesser choices
The Notebook A cousin was speaking with me recently and she told me she was in London for a weekend, with her two young sons, to visit her sister and family. They went for a day trip to London and travelled on a number of trains and by underground. Later in the evening, her younger…
Time to launch ‘Operation Proclamation’
Notebook On a recent episode of RTÉ’s Operation Transformation, one of the people featured made incredible strides in improving her health and losing weight. She joined a weekly walking group and looks forward to the meeting each week. I hope I am not doing her a disservice, but I think she described it as “the…