We have to be in this together

Back in the days of the Wild West in the United States, the primary means of transportation was the stagecoach. We’ve seen people riding in stagecoaches in Western movies. What we might not know is that the stagecoach had three different classes of tickets. However, the distinction between classes had nothing to do with the…

The four foundations for unity

I’m writing this piece at the end of the week which began calmly enough on Sunday the January 19 and ended calmly on Saturday January 25. The five days in between gave us the wildest weather storm ever recorded in Ireland. One of my priest friends from Cork proudly sent me an image of the…

Church open to charge of elder abuse

One Green Party politician described their recent election experience as being spat out by the Irish people. It is somewhat ironic that while there is general agreement that climate change is the great issue of our generation, the one political party dedicated to highlighting the problem and coming up with solutions is the one that…

The contribution of women to the Church

I can recall, when living in the United States almost twenty years ago, listening to an interview on National Public Radio with Mary Robinson. The American interviewer enthusiastically introduced Mrs Robinson as the first ever woman to be President of Ireland. During the interview Mrs Robinson was asked if she could see the day when…

How a conspiracy of silence evolves in time

Notebook This month I want to share three distinct reflections with a common thread.  The recent scoping enquiry into abuse perpetrated in schools run by Catholic religious orders revealed another very sad chapter in our Irish social history. The media follow up inevitably led to an avalanche of personal stories detailing the physical, emotional and…