This book is a labour of love. At the outset the author reveals how he first became aware of the existence of Gordon Brewster.
Poetic Flowers of Listowel Poets
Autumn Blooms: A Selection of Stories, Poetry and Parable by Paddy Glavin, Cyril Kelly, John Fitzgerald (Copies are available from Woulfe’s Independent Bookshop, 7 Church Street Listowel, Co. Kerry; email:; phone (068) 21021; €12, with a special postage rate of €6.80). Listowel Writers Week, the premier locally led and sustained literary festival in Ireland is…
St Joseph: the patron saint of fathering
Consecration to St Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father, by Donald H. Calloway MIC (Marian Press, £13.60) This is a book promoting devotion to St Joseph, making it very suitable reading in this week after the celebration of the Feast of St Joseph the Worker. The steadfast member of the Holy Family, Joseph…
Going for Glory, Irish Style
Going for Glory, Irish Style Chasing Sam Maguire; The All-Ireland Football Championship 1928-1977 by Dermot Reilly and Colm Keys, foreword by Larry McCarthy (The O’Brien Press, €34.99 / £32.99) This is a comprehensive account of the All-Ireland Senior Football finals from 1928 to 1977. On each occasion the teams competed for the Sam Maguire Cup.…
At home in Ireland: How and why our ancestors lived the way they did
A love of home, ‘one’s own place’, is said to have characterised Irish people from the earliest days. These days, when people remove themselves to as far away as the Antipodes, there is still, even in the sunshine of Bondi Beach, that melancholy longing for the old place at home. How we lived in the past is…
The limits of the Kingdom defined in history
Kerry from Maps and Charts, by Noel Kissane (Killiney Press, €30.00 / £24.00) Maps are nearly as old as mankind itself. They are treasured by historians, as they can provide important information in a variety of ways. The author of this book was a librarian at the National Library, a well informed and helpful scholar…
A talented priest devoted to theatre for the people
In writing my selection of a ‘Book of the Year’ before Christmastide descended on us all, I ended up writing about what was for me was a special book of importance, but was not the one I first intended to celebrate. But because of that change of plan, always inherent in writing for a weekly…
St Laurence O’Toole 1128-1180: A living memory for almost a millennium
It is instructive when looking back in history to ask whose memory endures. Is it that of a distinguished writer, a captain of trade and commerce, a statesman, a warlord, a political leader? When one looks back in Dublin’s history it is clearly not one of these at all, but rather it is that of…
Keeping going in fine style guided by one who knows how
Age is Just a Number: Make the Best of Every Decade, by Francis Brennan (Gill Books, €19.99 / £17.99) Francis Brennan is not a young man, and yet he has conquered our attention on television and become a bestselling author. One can’t help wondering if he has some secret which might be of interest…
Serving up good food to Washington’s eminent folk
Kathy White House: Kathy Buckley – Her Culinary Odyssey, by Vincent Carmody (€35.00, plus postage and packing, via Fitzsimons Printers Ltd., Shanagolden, Co, Limerick; tel.: 069-76-226; email: The White House in the US is one of the most storied houses in history. It was built between 1792 and 1800. The architect was Kilkenny-born James…