As a new year begins, it’s natural to look to the future with a sense of hope. But for Catholics, the holy year 2025 presents a unique opportunity to explore and cultivate hope – and to examine what makes it so difficult to hold onto. Most of us know that hope is not wishful thinking…
Master of all the saints
Who do you say that I am?” It’s the question Jesus posed to the men closest to him, the one Peter answered with an unequivocal confession of faith in him as the Messiah and Son of God. The entirety of our Catholic faith rests on Peter’s response and, for 2,000 years, the Church has proclaimed…
The battles we fight
‘Choose your battles’ is generally good advice. It’s wise to acknowledge that not every fight can be won; that we may not have the resources to sustain a war on many fronts; that victory sometimes costs us more than we can afford. But if you’re born (or baptised) on the battlefield, things become more complicated.…
We cannot follow Jesus and sidestep the cross
The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth was a historical event occurring in a particular time and place. But the cross casts a long shadow, one that stretches across all of history. As Christians, we believe that the narrative of human destiny is the story of redemption in the cross of Christ. It stands at the…
Missionary disciples pray: St Joan of Arc
Whether our hopes for this summer have been fulfilled or not, the season is waning. Most kids have returned to school, and the full force of the fall calendar is poised to kick in. All we can do now is hope that whatever rest and recreation we managed to get will be enough to draw…
Peter, Paul and the messiness of Christian discipleship
We all like things neat, uncomplicated and in good order. But as we step over the threshold into the virtual world created by artificial intelligence, it seems to me that inclination may be more problematic than ever. Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen a number of images circulating on social media. A baby dolphin,…