Q: If someone were in an abusive marriage,if they divorced would they still lose their right to Communion? A: The short answer is no, the simple fact of being divorced does not in any way hinder or cut off a Catholic’s access to the sacraments. For some background, we as Catholics do believe that on a…
Can you receive Communion twice in one day?
Q: Can a Catholic receive holy Communion twice in one day? Also, is it possible to ask to receive Communion outside of Mass under normal circumstances, or is this something that is only possible for the sick? A: To start with the second part of your question, the short answer is yes, it is possible for…
Is non-alcoholic church wine valid for consecration?
Q: I’m a parish priest and recently, when I went to order hosts and sacramental wine for my parish, I noticed the company I usually shop from was offering something called “non-alcoholic church wine.” I told the lady on the phone that I imagine this isn’t valid matter for consecration at a Mass and advised…
What is a consecrated virgin?
What does it mean to be a consecrated virgin? What are the rights and duties of the designation? And what is the process of becoming a “consecrated virgin”? A: The Code of Canon Law defines consecrated virgins as chaste and never-married women who “through their pledge to follow Christ more closely… are consecrated to God,…
Why do we baptise infants, and why was Jesus baptised?
Q: Some Evangelical friends were recently quizzing me on the Catholic understanding of baptism. They were especially asking about Jesus’ baptism, and whether this indicates Jesus had some sin or sins of which he needed to repent. They had the same question regarding infant baptism, as infants would seem to neither be able to understand the rite,…
What is the significance of a Jubilee Year?
Q: What is the significance of a Jubilee Year? A: The short answer is, a Jubilee Year is a special year of grace and reconciliation. Today, the Catholic Church celebrates a Jubilee Year every 25 years, although the Pope can also declare an ‘extra’ extraordinary Jubilee year between the regularly scheduled jubilees (as Pope Francis…
What is the significance of a Jubilee Year?
Q: What is the significance of a Jubilee Year? A: The short answer is, a Jubilee Year is a special year of grace and reconciliation. Today, the Catholic Church celebrates a Jubilee Year every 25 years, although the Pope can also declare an ‘extra’ extraordinary Jubilee year between the regularly scheduled jubilees (as Pope Francis…
Can my son be baptised?
Q: Could Jesus sin? If not, was he truly human and free? A: This is a rather complex question that gets into some deep Trinitarian theology. But I think we can still break this down into some accessible takeaway points. For some background, we believe that Jesus is truly and fully God, the second Person…
Can my son be baptised?
Q: I’m a new mother in the middle of a divorce. I admit that I have never been a very good Catholic, but I still want my baby baptised in the hope that he will have a better relationship with God than I’ve had. My ex-husband and I share custody, and in many ways, he is…
Does marriage transcend death?
Q: I have a question about the vocation of marriage. I’m very moved by the examples of widowed family and friends who continue to be very devoted to their deceased spouse, praying for them daily and visiting their graves. Often, they speak of looking forward to seeing their spouse again in Heaven. Does the Church…