Q: In my parish, we have an antique candle holder for the paschal candle. The design on the candle stand looks like it has some sort of insect, and so my 6-year-old asked me why there were ‘bugs on the Paschal candle’. Any thoughts? A: My guess is that the ‘bugs on the paschal candle’…
Should Jesus be depicted on crucifixes as alive or dead?
Q: I have a friend who observed that some crucifixes depict the Saviour with his eyes open and some depict him with his eyes closed. He wants to know which is correct – alive or dead? A: With respect to the second part of your question, I think it’s equally correct for a crucifix to…
Why isn’t a pro-life petition part of every Mass?
Q: If, indeed, abortion is the Church’s preeminent issue, then why don’t we hear a pro-life petition as part of the Prayer of the Faithful at every Mass? A: Many parishes do include a pro-life intention as part of the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass every week. However, it is true that including a…
Does the Polish National Catholic Church have a valid celebration of the Eucharist?
Q: If our Orthodox brothers and sisters have a valid celebration of the Eucharist, can the same be said of the Polish National Catholic Church (PNCC)? Given your logic about the Orthodox churches a few weeks ago, it would seem to me that the PNCC also has apostolic succession, given that the founder of the…
For those who avoid meat anyway, is there another Friday penance?
For those who avoid meat anyway, is there another Friday penance? Catholics I know are doing ‘fish on Friday’ to conform to the fasting and abstinence requirement. But if I typically avoid meat or eat fish most days anyway, should I do something different for Lent, or just stay the same? I’ve heard some Catholics…
Are you relieved of the duty to attend Mass on Sunday at a certain age?
Q: My older sister told me that after age 80, you are relieved of the duty to attend Sunday Mass. I didn’t believe her until a friend who is 86 told me the same thing. I have never heard of this. Is it true? A: I have never heard of this either! The relevant citation…
Did Pope Benedict XVI validly resign?
Q: Did Pope Benedict XVI validly resign even though he did not renounce the munus? A: As many of us will recall, on February 11, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI surprised the world when, after noting his advancing age and declining health, he announced: “ … For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of…
Is Communion by intinction permissible and is the devil a being?
Q: Where exactly in the Catechism of the Catholic Church does it say we can receive Communion by intinction? Our parish has started doing this recently, and people love it! But other parishes’ priests say this is not ‘legal’ according to Church doctrine. I have looked in the catechism and cannot find exactly where it…
What are miracles, and why do we need them?
A two-point question: It is common to hear, ‘It’s a miracle,’ for a sports comeback victory. Does the Church actually have a definition of a miracle? When it comes to canonisation, miracles are required, aren’t they? Does a miracle happen in other domains except health and medicine? A miracle is an extraordinary phenomenon that cannot…