Is the Pope’s jubilee year going to be a flop? Philosophy’s classic head-scratcher asks if a tree falls in the forest but no one’s there to hear it, does it make a sound? In 2016, Pope Francis may face his own personal version of that conundrum: If a Pope calls a jubilee year but no…
Five predictions for the unpredictable Pope Francis in 2016
John L. Allen takes on the risky business of predicting the future
After the synod, can Catholics put Humpty Dumpty together again?
Pope Francis on Sunday celebrated a Mass to wind up an unprecedented, and wildly tumultuous, series of two summits of Catholic bishops. They were convened to debate matters related to the family, including the front lines in today’s wars of culture, such as homosexuality, divorce, and the meaning of marriage. On Saturday, the Vatican released…
Breaking down the Church decentralisation debate
The issue of divorced and vivilly remarried Catholics returning to Communion is a vexed one for bishops at the synod, writes John Allen
Will Muslims and Christians let Boko Haram set the agenda?
John Allen reports from Nigeria on inter-faith relations
A dose of caution about China’s ‘opening’ to the Pope
It’s premature to judge China’s ‘warm’ attitude towards the Vatican, writes John L. Allen
Beatification is a turning point for Catholicism
Archbishop Romero is a model for the Pope’s poor Church for the poor says John Allen
Why the Vatican’s crackdown on nuns ended well
Everyone walks away from the confrontation unscathed writes John L. Allen
The Francis narrative is déjà vu in reverse
The narrative of Pope Francis as a progressive reformer is becoming so set in stone as to be beyond rethinking or nuance, writes John L. Allen Jr.
Pope backs truth commissions in Sri Lanka trip
Francis received a colourful welcome, writes John L. Allen