Only skin deep

Medical Matters   Skin is the largest organ in the human body and its visible appearance often reflects on our health and vitality. If eyes are the window to our souls, so too skin can mirror something deeper about our general health. We subject our skin to sun, rain, wind, deodorants and perfumes and probably…

Don’t put off eye checks

Decline in vision is common from our midlife onwards and may prompt us to go and get our eyes checked out. Overall, it is estimated that 70% of sight loss in older adults is due to cataracts and refractive errors can that be corrected relatively easily. Indeed, the first sign of visual change can occur…

A healthy body can help protect a healthy brain

The concept of successful or optimal ageing has become part of the lexicon of modern day geriatrics and encompasses maintaining in as far as is possible our cognitive, physical and mental health as we grow older. Despite this, cognitive function which is crucial to healthy ageing declines significantly in many older adults. Indeed, few conditions…

Watching out for a silent threat

Prostate cancer, a once largely silent disease that was often diagnosed in its more advanced stages has become increasingly identified and treated at an earlier phase in men today. A greater awareness of disease symptoms coupled with improvements in detection and diagnosis, as well as treatment options has led to a huge benefit in survival…

As the winter sets in, we brace ourselves not just for the long dark days and cold weather but the seasonal spike in winter-related illness – the surge in colds and flu as well as several health conditions triggered or worsened by cold weather such asthma, cold sores and circulatory problems.  So what if anything…