It is just a month since the resounding defeat of the two referenda put to the voters by the government, but one wonders has the government learned anything. Last Saturday, at the SIPTU Early Years conference in Liberty Hall, Minister for Children, Roderic O’Gorman, doubled down on ignoring stay-at-home mothers and families who wish to…
Govt must do better for families, carers and those with disabilities
Last Saturday morning at 9am, the counting of votes began on the ‘family’ and ‘care’ referendums held the day before. Soon results started to trickle through from count centres around the country. By 10am political journalists were calling it: it was a No vote in both referendums. Following the announcement of the massive defeat, the…
Women don’t want to be forced away from their babies to put bread on the table
Last week, RTÉ published a video explaining the forthcoming March 8 referendum. It began with black and white imagery of women engaged in menial housekeeping tasks, while the female narrator stated: “Can you imagine a time when Irish family meant a woman having to give up her job to stay at home and mind the…
Even the freedom to disapprove of abortion is under threat
The View Since the abortion referendum passed, there has been a concerted effort by abortion proponents — including the Government — to restrict the freedom of expression of pro-life supporters. Peaceful prayer vigils outside hospitals are likened to violence and there are moves to ban them. Not content with this, it now seems that even…
In Ireland the Mass is now effectively outlawed
The View It was an interesting start to Holy Week 2021. Last Palm Sunday evening, Michael Kelly of this newspaper reported that the State had confirmed in the Declan Ganley case (which challenges the ban on public worship) that it was an offence to go to Mass, or for a priest to say Mass publicly…
It would be an abdication of duty for bishops to defer to a Government that does not understand the true importance of the Church’s sacraments
The View Schools move back into operation this week, with over 300,000 four to seven-year-olds returning to the classroom. This is an age-group notorious for its inability to sit still, take instructions consistently, and with a developmental need for touch. Yet we adults — with a greater ability to take instructions, follow rules, and observe…
Church must foster anchor of marriage amid growing decline and disregard
The View In addition to dedicating this year to St Joseph, Pope Francis has announced a special year dedicated to the family, beginning on St Joseph’s feast day, March 19. A year dedicated to the family is wonderful news: but how should it be approached and celebrated? Despite what the world tells us, it is…
Christians should not have to pay RTÉ to offend them
On New Year’s Eve, RTÉ broadcast a show, ‘NYE Countdown’, hosted by Deirdre O’Kane and Kathyrn Thomas. Aengus MacGrianna, the former RTÉ newsreader, also took part, delivering a ‘Waterford Whispers’ comedy sketch in a mock newsroom. The show confirmed me in my decision – once again – to get rid of our television and stop…
Catholics must be able to rely on constitutional protections
The View For the last 14 years, I have raised our children at home and educated them. It is wonderful, fulfilling, and often exhausting. I have a loving, supportive husband who – since the children were very small – has taken them almost every Saturday to allow me some time off and headspace. I like…
In truth, modern feminism is rooted in a hatred of what is good and beautiful and true about womanhood
The View In his 1973 essay ‘The Faith: The Nation, Prime Principles of Survival’, Frank Duff – the founder of the Legion of Mary, whose anniversary was on Saturday – observed that the faith of the nation was in a crisis. He likened the Ireland of the 1950s to pre-revolutionary France. Both appeared on the…