Humanity has always been flawed. We do not need to read the account of creation to know the extent of those flaws. Since time began it seems, the world has been at war. A world which is capable of providing for all its people, if we all but lived as we are called to live,…
Women and men walking side by side for peace, justice and equality
As International Women’s Day approaches there is much focus on the current status and situation of women across the world. There will be much celebration about what has been achieved in so many countries. I spent last Saturday in Paris at an International Women’s Day event organised by the National Council of Resistance of Iran. It was…
UK Legacy Act will inflict further damage on victims
Many people will have seen the recent TV programme about the Post Office scandal involving the wrongful prosecution of and conviction of sub-postmasters and the wrongful demands by the Post Office for tens of thousands of pounds allegedly missing from post office accounts, all the result of a faulty computer programme, Horizon, and, seemingly, the…
Human evil will not triumph
The View Christmas is becoming two separate feasts: for Christians it is the feast of the Nativity, the time when we remember and celebrate the birth of the Christchild in Bethlehem, with all that followed right up to the moment of the crucifixion and the resurrection; for others it is an unidentified festival – a…
Synod calls for accountability and all to participate in Church’s mission
The first report of the Synod on Synodality makes for very interesting reading. The second session of the synod will be in 2024. Of the 364 voting delegates who attended 50 were women. While one woman for every seven men was a very distinct under-representation, it was a very significant improvement on previous practice and…
Do not forget how quickly world war can come
What are we doing to stop a third world war? What can we do? I never thought I would write these words, but increasingly the possibility of renewed global conflict is being raised by many distinguished individuals. Is this what it was like in the 1930s, as the world watched the rise of Hitler and…
British government treats the people of the North with utter contempt
Many parents have spoken to me recently about their anger at the new regulations on Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) in Northern Ireland. Education is a devolved matter for the Assembly, but a law was introduced in Westminster in June without any prior consultation, providing that pupils aged 11-16 must receive “age appropriate, comprehensive and scientifically…
Youth need Faith and courage to tackle today’s damaging ideals
There are beautiful stained-glass windows behind the altar in our Church of All Saints in Ballymena, Co. Antrim. At the centre, way high up, is a very realistic depiction of the crucified Christ – a strong and vital young man hanging helpless on the cross, but looking out with such compassion. It is very compelling.…
God will send priests despite modern world where life is no longer sacred
It is very good to be part of a rejoicing Church. I have been privileged over the last two weekends to attend ordination ceremonies – one in Westminster diocese in England, and one in my home diocese of Down and Connor. Dedicated At a time when there is so much talk of the problems and…
A need for fewer churches and large, vibrant communities
The View Once upon a time 11 shocked and weary disciples gathered together to mourn the death of their leader, betrayed by the 12th disciple. There must have seemed to be no hope at all. Their leader had told them that he would return to them, but they knew he had died a shocking, terrible…