Sweetening the pill of economic change in Ireland

The Carlow Sugar Factory: The Extraordinary Story of an Irish Industrial Icon, by Christopher Power  (Created by Alhaus for Carlow County Council Centenary Committee, supported by the Department of  Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media;  available gratis from Carlow Public Library; email library@carlowcoco.ie)     To mark the centenary of the creation of the sugar factory at…

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Christians and the burden of their flesh

Lower than the Angels: A History of Sex and Christianity, by Diarmaid MacCulloch (Allen Lane,  £41.96  /  €42.99 )    Robert Marshall   Diarmaid MacCulloch is emeritus Professor of the History of the Church at Oxford University.  He has written extensively on the history of the Church and its Reformations.   Lower than the Angels, running to…

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February is ‘Black History Month’ in the USA, a time then for President Trump to recall who really built the Panama Canal?

Journey Without Maps, a travel book by Graham Greene (Vintage Classics. £14.99)   At the end of January President  Trump issued a proclamation on Black History Month promoting to all officials and members of the public that it might concern, naming as he did so a short roster of  notable Black Americans. But it is…

Unicorns in the Holyland: an exhibition in Marsh’s Library

Gutenberg’s Cradle : Incunables at Marsh’s Library, Dublin, a catalogue compiled by Sara D’Amico (Marsh’s Library with the support of the Consortium European Research Libraries and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, €20.00; can be ordered directly from information@marshlibrary.ie)   We are continually told that living as we do in an era…

Measuring out the days of our lives

All Time Belongs to Him: Seasons and Feasts of the Lord, by Hugh Gilbert OSB (Gracewing, £20.00 / £23.99)   This book is quite a contrast to the spiritual adventures of Ben Harrison. The author Hugh Gilbert OSB has been a Benedictine monk of Pluscarden Abbey near Elgin, in Moray in northern Scotland. This is,…