The Dominican Way Edited by Lucette Verboven, with an introduction by Timothy Radcliffe (Continum, €14.55 / £10.99) From the prominence of his name on the cover, it might be thought by some potential readers that Fr Radcliffe had a larger hand in this book than he had. It is in fact the work Lucette Verboven,…
Recent books in brief
Kimmage Manor: 100 Years of Service By Patrick J. Ryan CSSP (Columba Press, €16.99 / £14.00) Fr Ryan has divided his life’s work between Africa and teaching in Kimmage Manor. He has also served, the times being what they are, as a parish priest. In this history he recounts the foundation of the mission house of…
Recent books in brief
Nature’s Way: A Sense of Beauty By Patrick O’Sullivan (Veritas, €7.99 / £6.80 pb) ”If spring came but once a century instead of once a year….what wonder and expectation there would be in all our hearts.” Longfellow’s words are the author’s inspiration as he awakens us to the beauties of nature which we usually take for…
Palestinian Christmas over 100 years ago
Just a century ago, the firm of Karl Baedeker in Leipzig issued a new edition of their guide to Palestine and Syria. I have been looking through this stout, but easily handled little volume of over 400 pages, bound in bright red cloth, hoping to catch glimpses of the Holy Land as it was…