New diocesan appointments in Clonfert

The Bishop of Clonfet Michael Duignan has made clerical changes to the Diocese. The new appointments are: Rev. Gregory Shinvo, CC (Diocese of Jalingo, Nigeria) to replace Rev. Charles Nyameh, CC (Diocese of Jalingo, Nigeria) as curate St Michael’s and priest available to the Ballinasloe Faith Community Area along with providing sacramental services to Emmanuel…

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Centenary of Irish WWII hero’s ordination

Members of the Hugh O’Flaherty Memorial Society recently flew to Rome to be present at the commemorative Mass of the Irish priest who saved 6,500 lives during World War II. The Mass was celebrated at the Propaganda Fide College, where Hugh O’Flaherty was ordained 100 years ago in 1925. This special Mass was Celebrated by…

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Changes in Cork’s First Communion celebrations result in disagreements

Changes planned for Communion and First Confession celebrations in Cork have repeatedly caused disagreements between primary school teachers and Bishop Fintan Gavin. Recently, Bishop Gavin sent a letter to parish priests asking for Communions to only take place on weekends, and First Confessions outside of school hours. The request was not received well by teachers…

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Prominent human rights priest dies

The death has occurred of a much-loved priest who won plaudits for his work exposing the mistreatment of prisoners and abuses by the security forces during the troubles. Msgr Raymond Murray, who was in his late 80s, also published books including with his clerical colleagues Msgr Denis Faul, who died some years ago. Fr Murray…

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