In the latest episode of The Confession Box, Wendy Grace talks to Fertility expert Dr Phil Boyle, the president of the International Institute for restorative reproductive medicine. Wendy and Dr Boyle explore Ireland’s falling fertility rate and the impact that the ‘birthgap’ will have socio economically, the Government spending taxpayers money on Fertility treatments that…
Charity staff face threats and abuse
Chai Brady and Theo McDonald Charity workers providing support to Ireland’s migrants and asylum seekers are facing threats of having their workplaces burnt out as well as racist abuse online. Chairman of Tiglin, a charity that operates under a Christian ethos, Aubrey McCarthy has said the homeless charity have received online threats in recent weeks for helping…
Bambie Thug is a sign ‘Irish culture is in decline’
Chai Brady and Brandon Scott Ireland’s Eurovision Song Contest 2024 contestant Bambie Thug is “wide open to dark forces” and it is “unfortunate” she was chosen as a representative, an expert in exorcism and deliverance ministry has warned. Bambie Thug came sixth in the competition with her song ‘Doomsday Blue’, one of the best results…
‘Sad day’ for Veritas but talks continue with investors
In a letter to Veritas employees, Patrick Cassidy, CEO of Veritas Communications, said that “Despite our best efforts, it is with regret that we announce the closure of the Limerick and Tallaght branches”. He continued, “The Limerick store will officially close on May 15, 2024. The Tallaght branch will officially close on May 17, 2024.…
Australian bishops approve new Aboriginal liturgy
Amid the Catholic Church’s push under Pope Francis to increasingly engage with and welcome Indigenous peoples and cultures, Australia’s bishops have approved a new liturgy incorporating elements of Aboriginal language and culture. Called the ‘Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit’, or Missa Terra Spiritus Sancti in Latin, the liturgy was formally approved for…
Orthodox Church ordains female deacon
The Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa ordained Zimbabwean Angelic Molen as a deaconess in the Orthodox Church. Taking place on May 2, Orthodox Holy Thursday, the ordination was conducted at St Nektarios Mission Parish near Harare, Zimbabwe, by the archbishop of Zimbabwe, Metropolitan Serafim. The St Phoebe Center for the Deaconess, a US-based organisation…
Vatican Museums under fire from workers alleging poor treatment
Nearly 50 employees of the Vatican Museums have initiated a labour dispute with the Holy See over what they allege are poor, unfair and unsafe working conditions, which could result in a class action lawsuit against Pope Francis’s administration. First reported by Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, the complaint has been lodged by 49 out…
Former Pussycat Doll singer to speak at Dublin Rally for Life
Kaya Jones, who was a singer with the globally famous band, Pussycat Dolls, has described in stark terms how she believes the music industry controls and abuses young women, including pressuring them into having an abortion. Ms Jones will be speaking at this year’s Rally for Life in Dublin this June. Last January, Kaya opened up on…
There has to be some form of clericalism
Dear Editor, I was pleasantly surprised to read, ‘Don’t altogether dismiss ‘clericalism’’ by Mary Kenny [The Irish Catholic – May 9, 2024]. Mary articulated my sentiments so well. I too am attempting to discuss ‘clericalism’ with my priest confreres, on a somewhat informal basis. As a recently appointed co-PP, home from Zambia and formation ministry…
GAA needs the revenue, but can’t forget roots in communities
It is in the nature of politics that politicians feel obliged to say that they love elections, and always welcome an opportunity for the people to have their say. The reality is, of course, that politicians mostly dread elections because it might herald the day when the magic dies. With just over three weeks to…