‘Varadkar’s tarnished legacy will be as the Taoiseach who opened the floodgates to massive abortion numbers’, says PLC

Responding to Leo Varadkar’s announcement that he is to resign as Taoiseach, Pro Life Campaign spokesperson Eilís Mulroy said: “In his resignation speech, Mr Varadkar referenced his pride in having been the Taoiseach who campaigned for the removal of Ireland’s Eighth Amendment, which ushered in the current abortion legislation and has been responsible for Ireland’s…

Bishops reaffirm commitment to helping asylum seekers – call on Govt to do more to integrate

At their recent Spring Meeting in Maynooth, the Bishops’ Conference highlighted the “exceptional work” being done by parishes, schools and religious communities around the country to accommodate asylum seekers and refugees by extending their hand of friendship but also reminded Government that it must fulfil their commitment to integrate people coming to Ireland. The bishops…

TG4 explores the holy wells of Ireland

The Irish-language broadcaster TG4 is set to dive into the history, myths and legends associated with Ireland’s holy wells in a six-part documentary series. In Ag Triall ar an Tobar, presenter Manchán Magan will uncover holy wells that have been sites of worship and prayer for centuries and are still visited today for those seeking…

Bl. Carlo Acutis attracts youth in Clogher

A relic of a young saint-to-be Blessed Carlo Acutis attracted hundreds of young people to gather in St Macartan’s Cathedral in Clogher diocese. Blessed Acutis, who died of leukaemia in 2006 at the age of 15, was known for centring his life around the Eucharist and attending Mass and adoration daily. On October 10, 2020,…