An awesome wonder of faith

An awesome wonder of faith The Church of St Aengus, Burt, Co. Donegal
The Church of St Aengus, Burt, Co. Donegal: Celebrating Half century (1967-2017)

ed. by Donal Campbell and others

To mark the first 50 years of their church a group in Fahan, Co. Donegal, have produced a fine illustrated book which celebrates not just the church, its architect and its building, but the whole span of the known history of the place from the prehistoric Griannan of Aileach down to the present year.

Famous church

The architect of the now justly famous church was Liam McCormick, who was inspired in part by the locality and the Griannan.

The result of his work evokes, as John Hume rightly observed, “awe and wonder”. Here is a place one feels “where prayer has been valid” (as T. S. Eliot said of another place of faith).

But this booklet is also about the people and priest of the parish, thier stories and experiences. At a time when there is so much take of decline and the need for retrenchment, of a flight from the land and rise of secularism, here is a publication with a truly positive outlook, drawing from the past certainly, and sustained by the talents of the present, but with immense confidence it seems in the future.

These local parish publications are of great importance and to future generations of visitors and parishioners this book will grant  a glimpse into a time and a place.