Ban on political church gate collections

Dear Editor, During the summer each year there are church gate collections throughout the country for Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. There was a time when both of these parties had much in common with Church teaching, but that day is long since gone. I am not aware of any other country where political parties collect money outside churches.

The current Government, of which Fine Gael is part of, has introduced abortion to Ireland, closed and reopened the Vatican embassy and promoted the referendum on same-sex marriage. Fianna Fáil members also supported the introduction of abortion and were fully behind the marriage referendum.

The fact that political parties receive permits for church collections is surely hypocrisy of the highest order. Surely church gate collections should be for local charities and parish groups who would have something in common with parishes and the local community.

Yours etc.,

John O’Brien,

Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath.