Dear Editor, I recently heard Fr Gerry O’Hanlon SJ on radio saying how dismayed he was at the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. The only alternative was Hillary Clinton.
Does Fr Hanlon not know about her involvement in the destruction of Libya or the destruction of unborn life with Planned Parenthood? Her violent rhetoric towards Russia, comparing Vladimir Putin to Hitler, led many to believe World War Three was imminent if she was elected. Also, with the Podesta files, which Wikileaks published, Clinton exposed her anti-Catholic agenda.
Maybe the reason he was dismayed is that the liberal left icon and what she stood for was challenged and lost, in spite of mainstream media, Hollywood and Academia. The world has moved on from social justice warriors fighting the ‘evil capitalists’.
Well done to The Irish Catholic for the analysis of the US Presidential election; fair and insightful, unlike the 99% of media which got it spectacularly wrong.
Yours etc.,
Declan Cooney,
Birr, Co. Offaly