Bishop Kevin Doran criticises Government’s endless lockdown leaks

Bishop Kevin Doran criticises Government’s endless lockdown leaks Bishop Kevin Doran Photo:

The possibility of having level 5 restrictions last until May “is not great” according to Bishop Kevin Doran of Elphin who also criticised how ministers “leaked” the information.

Bishop Doran took to social media last week to voice his displeasure, saying: “Level 5 until May is not great. What is worse is the way it is leaked by senior ministers before it is even agreed. The task of Government is difficult and they need to inspire people. Meanwhile remember: ‘Dominus Spes Nostra: The Lord is our Hope’ (from Elphin crest).”

His comments came after a wave of contradictory information last week from Government ministers and information gleaned from media interviews, leaks from parliamentary party meetings and Dáil statements.

The Cabinet sub-committee on Covid-19 recommended on Tuesday that Level 5 restrictions should remain in place until early April and will be reviewed around April 5 and either eased or further extended.

Meanwhile, one of Bishop Doran’s social media posts was blocked on Twitter. Dr Doran has been very active in his criticism of the ‘Dying with Dignity Bill 2020’ which will legalise euthanasia if passed. One of his tweets about the issue was censored by social media giant Twitter as it was wrongly believed to be promoting suicide.

Bishop Doran posted: “There is a dignity in dying. As a priest, I am privileged to witness it often. Assisted suicide, where it is practiced, is not an expression of freedom or dignity, but of the failure of a society to accompany people on their ‘way of the cross’.”

Twitter stated it violated their rules “against promoting or encouraging suicide or self-harm”. The decision was not overturned after an appeal.