Bishops and politicians condemn suspected terrorist attack on priest

Bishops and politicians condemn suspected terrorist attack on priest Fr Paul Murphy

Bishops and politicians have expressed their shock and condemnation at the apparent terrorist attack that took place last night in Co. Galway which saw a military chaplain stabbed with a knife.

Fr Paul F Murphy, who is in his 50s, is being treated for serious but non life-threatening injuries following the attack at Renmore Barracks, which began outside the entrance to the barracks when he was approached by a 16 year-old boy and attacked with the weapon.

Bishop of Waterford and Lismore Alphonsus Cullinan condemned the attack and called on members of the congregation to offer prayers of support and consolation to Fr Murphy. Bishop Cullinan also called on society to collectively foster a culture that ensures an attack of this nature never recurs.

“First and foremost, I unequivocally condemn this act of violence,” Bishop Cullinan said. “Such behaviour is unacceptable in any form and goes against the very tenets of our faith, which teaches us to love one another and to seek peace.

“Our priest, who has dedicated his life to serving God and our community, is now facing an unimaginable ordeal. We are praying for his swift recovery and healing – both physically and spiritually.  The Church stands firmly behind him during this challenging time. I urge all members of our congregation to keep him in their thoughts and prayers as he navigates through this painful experience.

“We must come together not only to support our injured priest but also to foster an environment where such acts do not occur again. Let us engage in dialogue about how we can promote peace, understanding, and respect among all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs.”

Bishop Michael Duignan of the Diocese of Galway expressed his deep upset and shock at the incident that took place in his diocese.

“News of the assault on a Catholic priest, who is presently serving as Chaplain to the Irish Defence Forces in Galway, is deeply shocking and upsetting,” he said.

“I pray for the injured man, asking God that he would make a full recovery. I pray too for his family, for his army colleagues and for the medical personnel who are tending to his injuries at this time.”

In a statement, Taoiseach Simon Harris said: “A Garda investigation is ongoing into a serious attack on a member of the Defence Forces at Dún Uí Mhaoilíosa, Renmore in Galway last night.

“A serious line of inquiry is being pursued and at this time it is important to allow gardaí to work to establish all the facts.

“I have also spoken to the Tánaiste and Minister for Defence, Mícheál Martin, on the quick action of Defence Forces personnel who intervened during the attack.”

In a statement posted online, Tánaiste Mícheál Martin said: “I condemn the violent attack at Renmore Barracks last night”, the Fianna Fáil leader said on X.

“I commend the members of the Defence Forces on duty at the time, whose intervention was critical.

“Our thoughts are with the Defence Forces member injured in the attack.”

A 16-year-old boy has been arrested in relation to the attack and he is currently being questioned at a garda station in Galway. His period of detention has recently been extended.

Gardaí are investigating allegations that the teenager may have made comments at the scene of the stabbing about Irish military involvement in the Middle East before he was brought away by officers.

Gardaí say the Special Detective Unit is involved in the investigation and one line of inquiry is to establish if the attack was motivated by reasons of terrorism.

Immediately following the attack, members of the Defence Forces fired a number of warning shots in an attempt to prevent the suspect from inflicting further injury on the chaplain.

Up to three Defence Forces personnel then managed to wrestle the suspect to the ground and detain him before the garda armed support unit arrived at the scene.

Garda sources said it is believed the attacker had been radicalised online in recent months. The Garda investigation is now being led by the Special Detective Unit, which is responsible for responding to terrorist threats.