Broadcaster Sean O’Rourke urges young people to consider vocation

Broadcaster Sean O’Rourke urges young people to consider vocation

Renowned broadcaster Seán O’Rourke has urged young people to “go the extra mile” and consider a vocation to the priesthood.

In an address delivered in Knock Basilica on August 16, Mr O’Rourke, paid tribute to priests and religious who inspired him in his life, including his two deceased aunts, Cecilia and Anna, who were sisters of the Holy Cross.

“They were like many thousands of other Irish women who served both here and abroad over the centuries,” the broadcaster said.

“Decisions to serve took them to the ends of the earth. They became great teachers, nurses, servants of God in ways that no AI technology ever could replicate, because their work was human and divine.

“It came from the heart and they saw God in every single person they served,” he said.

Mr O’Rourke stressed that “We can all, I’m absolutely certain, think of a priest or priests who have made a positive difference in our family circle, our friends, our community or our schools.”

He called for young people to “go the extra mile” and take up the life of love exemplified by the missionaries and religious who have shown Christ’s love to the world.