Call for people to be a voice for unborn in North

Call for people to be a voice for unborn in North A group of young people at a Rally For Life meeting in Dublin last year. Photo: John McElroy
Matthew Carlson


A prominent pro-life group has  said that the ‘Rally for Life’ in Belfast will show the world that support for protecting unborn children “remains strong” in Ireland.

Organisers of the rally, which is taking place by the Stormont Parliament Buildings on July 7 at 2pm, said that despite the ‘Yes’ vote in the Irish referendum on the repeal of the Eighth Amendment, the fact remains that every unborn child still has the right to life.

“The Irish State no longer acknowledges the right to life of those who are ‘alive but not yet born’ but the Constitution did not ‘give’ this right to unborn children – every person’s right to life is inherent.


“We will continue our work to protect mothers and babies from abortion,” event organisers said. 
They added that that the result of the Referendum is also deeply worrying for the North of Ireland, with the threat to unborn children becoming more intensified.

“Pro-abortion organisations are calling for the abortion of the North’s unborn babies with the ominous threat – ‘The North is Next’.

“The same tactics of lies and false information used by the ‘Yes to Abortion’ side in the Republic’s Referendum, are now being used in Northern Ireland.
“But we must continue to be a voice for unborn children when and wherever their lives are in danger.”