Calls for protection for Middle East Christians

The president of the World Jewish Congress has called for greater action to stem persecution of Christians in the Middle East.

Addressing an interfaith forum in New York City, Ronald S. Lauder drew parallels with the Holocaust of World War II and lamented that little appears to have changed in relation to genocidal slaughter. 

“Today we are witnessing the world’s indifference to the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East and Africa,” he said. “Since 1945, genocide has occurred again and again. ‘Never Again!’ has become hollow. You can’t just declare genocide and say the job is done. You have to back it up with action.”

Stressing history’s lessons, President Lauder added, “Jews know what happens when the world is silent to mass slaughter. We learned it the hard way.”

The New York forum, entitled ‘The Crisis for Christians in the Middle East’ heard from 12 speakers who argued for greater protections for Christians in the Middle East. Among them was Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York who related the consistent message from prelates of the region “not to be forgotten”.

“We have a God who is calling us to a sense of justice, advocacy and charity. We cannot forget these people,” he said.