Capuchin Missions – With Gratitude for the Past with Hope for the Future

Capuchin Missions – With Gratitude for the Past with Hope for the Future
World Mission Sunday
A Day of Celebration and Renewed Support for Missions Worldwide

In October each year we are reminded that the Church is missionary. Pope Francis underlines this truth by his journeys to the margins or peripheries of the world. He, like his namesake St Francis, has made the World  his cloister bringing the message of the Gospel to all corners of the world. The missionary heart seeks encounter with Christ and with our brothers and sisters. This desire has compelled Irish women and men to leave their homeland and travel to all parts of the World bringing with them Christ’s peace, love and joy.

The global influence of Irish missionaries over the past hundred years has been immense. It has been a chapter of our history that should not be forgotten. The Irish Capuchins have been part of this endevaour from the early 1900’s when Capuchin Friars from Ireland spread their wings from California to Capetown, from Zambia to Wellington, from Korea to Madagascar. The Psalmist writes “They go out sowing in tears, they come back rejoicing” (Pslam 126) and this has long been the cry of battle cry of the missionary. We can ask ‘Has it been worthwhile? Has it been successful?’ For a full and honest answer to those questions, one would need to ask the peoples who received these messengers of the gospel.

For the most part the little seed planted has borne fruit, in growth of the Church in mission lands as well as local vocations to our Capuchin way of life. “Unless the Lord builds the house in vain do the labourers toil.” (Psalm 127) – We thank the Lord for being with us and blessing our labours over the past decades. We can look to the future with hope in the Lord who calls and sustains his people. For the most part Irish  missionaries are part of our history however a new chapter continues to be written as our missions are getting local vocations. These young men need our encouragement and material support to set up and aid their formation.

You can support the work of the Capuchin Missions through enrollment in the Seraphic Mass Association. More information is available from the Capuchin Mission Office, Church Street, Dublin 7 – Phone 01 873 1022 Email: