Category: Features

The challenging journey of Faith

I promised myself that I would never live a life full of regrets, writes Rohith Kinattukara   Faith is a transformative journey. Often, people lose heart and start blaming Faith and God for the instability in their lives. From my own experience, my belief and trust in Faith have only made me stronger, in mind…

A virtue truly owed to Him

Peter Kasko   In the opening paragraph of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) we read the following: “God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God…

The mission of the Laity

Pope Paul VI   You are not hermits withdrawn from the world in order to better give yourselves to God. It is in the world, in action itself that you must sanctify yourselves. The spirituality which should inspire you will therefore have its own characteristics… Suffice it to say it in a word: only your…

Our past does not define us

Theresa Bonapartis “We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures, we are the sum of the Father’s love for us and our real capacity to become the image of His Son Jesus”,  St John Paul II. You can call me post-abortive. I am secure in both my healing and my relationship with God…

I once was lost, but now I am found

I grew up in a Catholic family in Sligo, but it wasn’t a faith-filled environment. We went to Mass only for special occasions like funerals, baptisms, and confirmations. I received my sacraments, but they didn’t feel connected to God. It was more like a formality, and the deeper aspects of the faith – who God…

My favourite prophet: Jonah the depressed

As a boy, my favourite Old Testament heroes were the prophets Elijah and Jonah. Elijah’s story is like the ‘Die Hard’ of the Old Testament – instead of John McClane single handedly taking out a building full of terrorists, it’s Elijah singlehandedly overcoming the evil King Ahab and the 450 priests of the demon Baal,…

Meditations on the interior life

The secret of renewal Lord, I see, in my life, that You refresh me each day, but I must also make the effort, I must be open to You in prayer and not lazy. You have mercy, so many times. You forgive so much. You are a faithful Friend to all who approach You, a…