Category: Features

We are people of light

Think Christmas was over weeks ago? Think again. The Feast of the Presentation officially closes the Christmas season, 40 days after the Nativity, so there’s still one last chance to wish the world “Merry Christmas!” It is also one final opportunity in our liturgy to reflect on a vitally important motif of this season: the…

Music, an instrument of evangelisation

Rohan Healy   Music and poetry, like prayer, are unique forms of communication between the human and the divine. The Ard-Ollamh’s, or chief poet’s, social status was matched only by the High King of Ireland. The great poet kings Solomon and David, whose psalms ring out daily though the Divine Office in every nation. From…

The life of the other St Francis

Fr Adrian Crowley   St Francis of Paola was born in 1416 in the south of Italy. His parents were childless and prayed fervently to St Francis of Assisi for a child. In thanksgiving they named their son Francis. At birth the boy had a serious eye infection, and his mother once again prayed to…

St Paul’s ‘conversion’

From the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI General Audience at the Paul VI Audience Hall on September 3, 2008.   Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today’s Catechesis is dedicated to the experience that Paul had on his way to Damascus, and therefore on what is commonly known as his conversion. It was precisely on the road…

A family’s journey of Faith

When a relative asked me to write about my family’s Catholic background, it felt like an adventure into the unknown. I’ve always been curious about our past, and this seemed like the perfect excuse to dig into the stories that shaped us. What I found was a tapestry of faith, family, and history that goes…