Category: Features

Visionary politicians, please!

Fr Chris Hayden   An old preacher’s story tells of a group of people walking by a rapidly flowing river. They notice a man in the torrent, crying for help. One of them jumps in to save him. Moments later another stricken individual appears, and another member of the group jumps in to help. This…

A Eucharistic Word: Waiting

Michael R. Heinlein Learning to wait is an important skill to acquire. I am reminded of its importance almost daily as I help my young children come to understand it – and, of course, in that process come to understand it more and more in my own life, too. “Patience is a virtue” I heard…

Men behaving beastly

Greg Erlandson “Why do men become beasts?” The question was asked by South African Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale. He was warning men that they will be held accountable for the treatment of women. “The Son of God will make us pay for all the things we have done, or not done,” the archbishop said. He…

Illiana Ochoa Bravo    A priest’s prayer was answered after a baptismal font was “beautifully” restored and given to St Crona’s Church.  Fr Johnny Moore from the Diocese of Raphoe told The Irish Catholic, “the baptismal font is a representation of bringing the old into the new.” When Fr Moore become the parish priest of the church…

AI ethics at the Vatican

Justin McLellan The Catholic Church has a valuable role to play in providing “clear moral leadership” to protect humanity from the negative impact of new technology, a leading AI researcher said under the vaulted ceiling of the Pontifical Academy for Sciences headquarters in the Vatican Gardens. Speaking at a forum on artificial intelligence development last October, Max Tegmark, a…

Proud to proclaim my Faith

I’ve often heard people say that faith is dying and that the Church is in decline, but I strongly disagree, says Estefania Pryma   As someone who grew up attending Catholic schools, participating in youth groups, and attending various Catholic events, you might think I had a deep connection to my faith from an early…

‘Lumen Gentium’ and the universal call to holiness

David Werning The dogmatic constitution from Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, promulgated 60 years ago, sets forth the nature and mission of the Church. It begins by naming Jesus as the “Light of the Nations” Lumen Gentium and head of the Church, which is his body and includes all the faithful. Jesus established the Church and…

Go and make disciples of all nations

Peter Kasko I was recently approached by a friend who asked me what is like to be a member of core/leadership team and the challenges that come with it. From the moment, it was like a flood of ideas coming to my mind and the flow was so quick that I just couldn’t keep track…