Category: Letters

A papacy of engagement, reform, and inclusion

Dear Editor, As Pope Francis nears the end of his papacy, his legacy remains a topic of debate. While some have found him controversial, it is undeniable that he has been a Pope committed to reform, transparency, and outreach. His leadership has challenged the Church to face difficult questions and to become more open to…

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Eternally grateful to my teachers

Dear Editor, I wish to associate myself with Liam Lally’s Comment [The Irish Catholic – January 30, 2025]. Educated, free, for 12 years by the Sisters of Mercy in Cobh, Co. Cork, I am eternally grateful to my teachers. Wise women who gave their all during those informative years. I know I often put them to the…

Where are the feminists when we need them?

Dear Editor, Three cheers for historian Fr Conor McDonough OP for exposing the ‘paper thin’ reasoning for deposing St Brigid in favour of some pagan goddess. The latter, he tells us, is only mentioned once in the 10th-century manuscript, ’Sanas Cormaic’. She never enjoyed any importance in Ireland. Where, one might ask, does that leave…

Dear Editor, Many thanks for opening a debate about the ministry of priests in Ireland today in the ‘Relentless Ministry’ section [The Irish Catholic – January 16, 2025]. It seems clear that many priests are hurting very badly, and this may be partly as a result of a reluctance on our part to speak to…

Parents as economic units of production

Dear Editor, The lack of support for parents who wish to stay at home with their children has, and continues to be, something the Irish Government chooses to ignore. The omission of such supports in the Government’s programme is a glaring oversight and reflects a troubling “ideological blind spot” that fails to recognise the vital…

Dry January and the need for lasting solutions

Dear Editor, The concept of ‘Dry January’ has gained popularity in recent years, with many people abstaining from alcohol for the month as a way to reset or cleanse after the excesses of the holiday season. While commendable in its intentions, I believe this initiative falls short of addressing the deeper, more enduring struggles some…

Surely we are not so miserly

Dear Editor, As I sit here tonight my wife is in the next room being treated by the palliative care team. She was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour and her life expectancy was estimated to be 3 or 4 months. I struggled for a few weeks trying to help her as she needed to…

We need a campaign to encourage support for family life

Dear Editor, While politicians campaign on issues such as climate change, Trump-economics, migrant pressures, etc., they ignore the writing on the wall; our birth-rate is in free-fall. In many parts of Europe, their birth rate has plunged to less than half that needed for replacement. Our collective unwillingness to make a healthy family life possible leaves…