Category: Letters

Bring permanent residents back to cities

Dear Editor, In recent years one can observe the poor maintenance of both civic and privately owned historical buildings in the centre of Irish cities and large towns. “Not enough chimney pots” a politician told me. What he was saying is that there are little or no Dáil votes to be had in city centre areas…

Shifting resources to support assisted dying

Dear Editor, Discussions about legalising assisted suicide raise serious concerns about the protection of the vulnerable and the potential consequences. If assisted suicide becomes law, the elderly, the sick, and people with disabilities may face subtle pressures, both social and economic, to choose death rather than life. A culture will emerge where individuals are made…

Engaging youth is not just about retention

Letter of the week   Dear Editor, As parishes face financial challenges, we must focus on reaching the next generation as Archbishop Martin says [The Irish Catholic – October 24, 2024], particularly at the parish level. The future of the Church depends on young people feeling not only welcome but also actively involved in the…

Ensuring next generation holds faith

Letter of the week Ensuring next generation holds faith Dear Editor, I must comment on Bro. Richard Hendrick’s insights on the need for deeper and more meaningful catechesis [The Irish Catholic – October 10, 2024]. His emphasis on not just imparting information, but leading people into an experience of prayer and connecting them with the…

Holding RTÉ accountable for lack of fairness

Letter of the week Holding RTÉ accountable for lack of fairness Dear Editor, The article highlighting the anti-Catholic bias at RTÉ brings to the forefront an issue that has been ignored for too long [The Irish Catholic – September 5, 2024]. The broadcaster’s recent programme, ‘Farmed Out’, presents yet another example of how Catholic institutions…

Left with uncompromising ideologies…

Letter of the week Left with uncompromising ideologies… Dear Editor, I find it disturbing that a Junior Cert school book presenting a course that aims at promoting inclusion, has had a cartoon and write-up depicting traditional Irish families as boring, wearing Aran jumpers, red heads, knowing nothing of the world outside their immediate surroundings or…