Category: Opinion

A Layman’s response to Relentless Ministry

Relentless Ministry – In a new series written by Priests, we will explore what most priests describe as “Relentless Ministry” and the challenges of being a priest in Ireland today Gary O’Sullivan and ‘Fr John’ have both written recently about the relentless pressure on priests and nobody can dispute that as a genuine issue which…

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Better to charge the living than the dead

During my apprenticeship as a rookie journalist, many decades ago, I was taught some rudimentary rules about the law. The first was an emphasis on the difference between ‘the accused’ and ‘the convicted’. There was a sacrosanct rule in every liberal democracy that everyone has the right to be judged innocent until and unless they…

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Jesus was the champion of relentless ministry

Fr Tom Grufferty   When Garry O’Sullivan asked me to write an article on “Relentless Ministry” in the Catholic Church, I had never associated these two words as companions. I then began to investigate the topic myself personally. Here is my response: From the first day of my time at All Hallows College in the…

Martyred St Valentine is not Cupid

The Church presents an ideal vision of marriage but it must also minister to people in their real struggles, Chai Brady hears. As Ireland faces demographic challenges with fewer people getting married and fewer babies being born, there is an open question as to what the future may hold. A recent study by the Iona…

Where are the feminists when we need them?

Dear Editor, Three cheers for historian Fr Conor McDonough OP for exposing the ‘paper thin’ reasoning for deposing St Brigid in favour of some pagan goddess. The latter, he tells us, is only mentioned once in the 10th-century manuscript, ’Sanas Cormaic’. She never enjoyed any importance in Ireland. Where, one might ask, does that leave…