Category: Opinion

‘Glitter’ and ‘Bling’or ‘Mud’ and ‘Poverty’, which would you chose? In this world of instant everything, many of us reach out for the former but there are some amongst us who make choices in life which carry them away from certainty and comfort to walk the challenging road with those whom society keeps in poverty.…

Mark Twain, the famed American author once said “Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story, unless you can’t think of anything better”. The thought struck me when I read a report in the Irish edition of The Sunday Times at the weekend with the headline ‘Trinity woman tipped as cardinal’.…

Dear Editor, As the nephew of two, sadly deceased, Sisters of the Presentation Order I read with interest the news that the founder of the Presentation Order, Nano Nagle, has been declared Venerable.  I hope that this will provide an opportunity not merely to review her life but also to end the current obsession in…

Dear Editor, In her letter (IC 24/10/13) Sorcha Lowry of Headline misunderstood and then misrepresented what I had written about mental illness. My main point was that we should not lump together problems such as depression – which indeed many people will suffer during a lifetime – with a serious disorder such as schizophrenia and…

Dear Editor, I was unsettled this week to hear the coverage of the murder of a young Dublin man whose body was found in County Meath. Not only is this a new low in Irish crime, but the coverage of the story by some of the media sources is (in my view) a symptom of the disregard that currently exists in Ireland for some people…