Category: TV & Radio

Epic and dramatic tales of Faith

It’s a tale of beginnings and endings this week! I enjoyed the first episode of the new biblical series House of David, launched on Amazon Prime last Thursday. I’m not a great fan of biblical epics – they often opt for spectacle rather than spirit, so the Bible, I’d suggest, is better read than seen!…

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The worlds of religion and politics are often dominated by major figures, characters and leaders with big personalities – some of them will feature here. And so it was that Pope Francis was one of those giants that figured large in the media last week. Watching ITV News last Wednesday I was conscious, during Ellie…

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Discussions on the practical aspects of marriage

Last Friday being St Valentine’s Day it wasn’t surprising that love, romance, sex and marriage figured in media discussions. Our Divine Sparks (RTÉ Radio 1, Friday) featured some historical background about the saint. Apparently, 3rd-century Roman Emperor Claudius II banned marriage because married men don’t make for good soldiers! So, Valentine performed secret marriages and…

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The battle against the oblivion of Faith

I always love hearing about green shoots when it comes to religion, and especially in relation to young people. On The Hard Shoulder (Newstalk, Wednesday) there was a discussion on the matter with Wendy Grace of Spirit Radio and singer-songwriter Ciara Lawless. This was on foot or a survey from the UK that showed Gen…

What are we exposing our children to?

Self-consciously smart commentators can sometimes sneer at moral panics, and some people are truly prone to over catastrophising, but I fear that in relation to children’s access to all sorts of depravity online, the worriers may be justified. The issue was raised on Mornings with Wendy (Spirit Radio, Friday) when Wendy Grace spoke to Alex…

The uneasy mix of politics and religion

I like it when I come across someone that defies expectations, someone with unexpected ideas or unusual hobbies. Mind you there can be unpleasant surprises, like when you discover a close friend is a racist… this is not autobiographical! Barbara Dickson is a famous Scottish pop and folk singer, and she is also a committed…

The commitment to the Truth

Every now and then someone gets peeved at something that happens in church and resorts to the nearest secular confessional. They often tell what they perceive as the sins of others! On Liveline (RTÉ Radio 1, Tuesday) someone complained that eulogies weren’t allowed in the Diocese of Meath, and that the rules required that any…

2025 – A year of Hope

So, the Jubilee Year has started, with its Pilgrims of Hope theme, and my hope is that the media will give it reasonable coverage. Chatechesis (Radio Maria, Thursday) got off to a good new year start, linking in with the Jubilee Year. Deacon Don Deveney, with guests Martin Ramsay and Artie Nolan, both on the…