Category: Uncategorized

Recent books in brief

Towards a Better Education of Children: Extracts from Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation on Love in the Family, ‘Amoris Laetitia’ edited by Bishop Brendan Leahy (Veritas, €2.99/£2.56) With back to school days already here, the minds of families all across Ireland are focused on the education of their children. Education for Catholic families is not merely a…

A welcome celebration of Handel in Dublin

Congratulations to our period instrument Irish Baroque Orchestra (IBO), currently celebrating its silver jubilee. As part of its anniversary programmes the ensemble presents a short Dublin HandelFest online over the coming weekend – August 20 to 22 – centred in and around Dublin Castle. Beginning with the pastoral Acis and Galatea in St Patrick’s Hall…

Youth 2000 launch summer festival with a twist

Youth 2000 Ireland has launched registration for their ambitious summer 2021 initiative aimed at 16-35 year-olds. Their annual festival, which usually attracts crowds of over 1,000 people from around Ireland, had to move online last summer. This year it will go ahead from August 13-15, but in multiple satellite locations, with public liturgies all happening…