Category: Uncategorized

Recent books in brief

Towards a Better Education of Children: Extracts from Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation on Love in the Family, ‘Amoris Laetitia’ edited by Bishop Brendan Leahy (Veritas, €2.99/£2.56) With back to school days already here, the minds of families all across Ireland are focused on the education of their children. Education for Catholic families is not merely a…

A welcome celebration of Handel in Dublin

Congratulations to our period instrument Irish Baroque Orchestra (IBO), currently celebrating its silver jubilee. As part of its anniversary programmes the ensemble presents a short Dublin HandelFest online over the coming weekend – August 20 to 22 – centred in and around Dublin Castle. Beginning with the pastoral Acis and Galatea in St Patrick’s Hall…

Youth 2000 launch summer festival with a twist

Youth 2000 Ireland has launched registration for their ambitious summer 2021 initiative aimed at 16-35 year-olds. Their annual festival, which usually attracts crowds of over 1,000 people from around Ireland, had to move online last summer. This year it will go ahead from August 13-15, but in multiple satellite locations, with public liturgies all happening…

Benedict XVI ‘delighted’ by Year of St Joseph

Pope emeritus Benedict XVI has paid tribute to the Year of St Joseph declared by Pope Francis and urged Catholics to read Francis’ apostolic letter Patris corde, describing it as a simple text “coming from the heart and going to the heart, yet containing such profound depth”. In an interview with the German Catholic weekly newspaper Die Tagespost, the…