Category: Videos

A leading pro-life group has condemned the actions of Minister of Health Simon Harris for “cynically” using the issue of abortion pills to argue for the repeal of the Eighth Amendment and has suggested that better solutions to this issue are needed. Speaking at a press conference in Dublin today, LoveBoth spokesperson Caroline Simons said…

An Irish psychiatrist has said the Government inserted the mental health clause into proposed abortion legislation to “dupe the public” into thinking abortion will help mental health issues. Dr Patricia Casey and 25 other psychiatrists released an open letter today saying it is “dishonest” to dub the proposed legislation ‘healthcare’. They write: “Given the experience…

With the theme of Catholic Schools Week 2018 (CSW18) being ‘Catholic Schools: Families of Faith’, Bishop Fintan Monahan speaks about the connection between the upcoming World Meeting of Families and the four themes of the one-year catechetical programme for Catholic primary and secondary schools set up by the Catholic Schools Week Steering Committee. CSW18 was…