Helen Vysotska Can I share a hotel room with my boyfriend? Sharing a hotel room with your boyfriend/girlfriend is not the same as sharing a bed with them on holidays. If it is the latter then you are committing sin and lying with your bodies that you are both married and you are not. Even…
Category: Family & Faith
Family news
Free mental health services ‘vital’ with rising cost of living Turn2Me, a national mental health charity, has stated that free mental health services are absolutely vital, now more than ever, with the rising costs of living. The charity stated an increased number of users reported feeling anxious about the rising cost of living, and that…
Hidden hazards of air pollution
Medical matters The air we breathe and the environment around us have impacts on our health that in the past were unknown. In fact, air pollution as been described as the “invisible killer” and has been cited by the WHO as the new “tobacco” and a “public health emergency”. Up to 43% of lung diseases…
Developing cultures and policies to protect the planet
For the past seven months we have been exploring the Laudato Si’ Goals (LSGs) which are a blueprint for the Church community to live out the call of Laudato Si’, a roadmap towards achieving ecological sustainability. The LSGs help us to live out our vocation “to be protectors of God’s handiwork” (LS, 217). This month…
The ocean of God
Mindful Living To talk about what matters most in life we often have to turn to metaphor because words are inadequate to the task. James Finley has an evocative metaphor that captures an essential truth about the human condition. He suggests that we spend a great deal of time walking on the outer circumference of…
Family news
Shapeshifting microrobots brush and floss teeth A shapeshifting robotic micro-swarm may one day act as a toothbrush, rinse, and dental floss in one. The technology, developed by a team at the University of Pennsylvania, is set to offer a new and automated way to perform the mundane but critical daily tasks of brushing and flossing.…
Roasted rhubarb and elderflower cake
Elderflower cordial can be found in most stores, making this a delightfully easy yet impressive summer cake to whip up for a party or just as a nice dessert. Ingredients For the roasted rhubarb 400g rhubarb, cut into 4-5cm slices 100g caster sugar ½ lemon, juiced 3 tbsp elderflower cordial For the cake 115g…
Pope Francis and the vital role of mothers
A Parent’s Perspective Pope Francis is a great champion of mothers. I’m sure his latest advice brought a smile to many faces. Speaking at a Mass to mark the conclusion of the 10th World Meeting of Families, he urged mothers to stop ironing their sons’ shirts and to encourage them to get married. I don’t…
Family News
Airbnb makes party-ban permanent Holiday rental company Airbnb is to make permanent its ban on parties in homes listed on its platform after it saw a significant drop in reports of unauthorised parties since the ban was put in place in August 2020. Airbnb announced that it had seen a 44% annual drop in the…
A clever consideration of capillary action
Children’s Corner Water can certainly move in mysterious ways. It is paramount to life on earth and humans would certainly not be able to survive without it considering about 60% of our bodies are made up of the liquid! There are hundreds of experiments examining the miracle that is water and how it interacts with…